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Works with C&P X and the Clients & Profits Cloud
The Winners Do Time drawing is open to any staff member who completes their time card using C&P X 10.4 (and have current support) or the C&P Cloud. There's no extra work — just account for their hours like they usually do.


Works with Jobr Mobile
Track your time anywhere you get Wi-Fi with the iPad-optimized Jobr Mobile web app. It’s connected directly to your Clients & Profits database so there’s nothing to re-enter, ever. It’s a fast, simple way to keep on top of your hours while you work outside the office.

  It's free, no strings attached

We think time keeping is important to a well-managed agency. So anything that encourages your staff to do their time card we think is valuable. By running this drawing we hope to make time keeping with Clients & Profits a litte more positive experience (or at least less boring). We’re taking care of everything, so it’s no extra work for the finance staff or the department heads. All you have to do is a one-time opt-in. That’s it, we’ll do the rest. And, prizes!

Here's how to opt-in

Win cool prizes - just for doing time cards. Winners Do Time is a free weekly drawing, hosted by the Clients & Profits Helpdesk, that rewards your staff for tracking their hours on time. Every week two winners are chosen at random from any staffer whose actual hours equals their planned hours. It's automatic, confidential, and won't used for marketing, ever.

It’s a fact of agency life: No one likes tracking their time. As it has always been, and always will be. But everyone knows (or should know, or needs to know) that time keeping is vital to managing a successful shop. So we created the WINNERS DO TIME drawing to make turning in time cards on time just a little more rewarding.

We’ve curated a ecletic collection of objects, books, and artwork that everyone’s creative side should enjoy. We’ll announce a new prize every week on Facebook and Twitter. As a principal, there nothing you have to do except opt-in. (it’s free with your subscription). And there’s nothing your staff has to do (except their time card, obviously). The C&P Helpdesk takes care of the rest.

Q. What’s the point of the drawing?

You have to do your time card anyway. Why not have the chance to win a random prize by doing it on time? It’s free, and there’s nothing you have to do to enter … except track your hours every week.

Q. What are my chances of winning?

Depends on how many people do their time card that week among all of the shops that use Clients & Profits X 10.4 or the Clients & Profits Cloud. There are two winners drawn every week. You're entered automatically if your actual hours for the week meet or exceed the hours planned for you by your manager.

Q. I work 50+ hours a week. Are my chances of winning greater?

Nope. All that matters is that your actual hours for the week equal or exceed your planned hours. Sorry, superman.

Q. Are the prizes any good? I don't need another imprinted water bottle or a company t-shirt.

Yes, the prizes are generally awesome or at least pretty interesting. We look for things that are designer-y and uncommon and probably even unusual. They typically have a value between $25-$50. So even if it is a t-shirt, it'll be a cool one you won't find at Urban Outfitters.

Q. Does it matter if my time is billable or not?

Not to us. All that matters to win a prize is that you turn in a complete time card every week.

Q. When is the drawing? How do I know I won?

Entries are sent automaticaly on Tuesday for the previous week's time cards. That means you have until Monday night to account for all of your hours. If you are the lucky winner, you'll get an email from Clients & Profits Helpdesk on Thursday afternoon. We'll also send an email to your manager/supervisor with the good news just to make them jealous. You'll then need to tell us where to ship your prize.

Q. Exactly what kind of data is sent to enter my into the weekly drawing? Is it stored?

The only information transmitted from your database are the email addresses of the staff members who turned in perfect time cards for the week. The C&P Helpdesk automatically collects those entries and randomly picks a winner. We keep those emails for a year so that no one wins twice in the same year. Anyone who enters a full year's worth of perfect time cards will be entered into a special Big Time prize drawing in January. After that, the emails are deleted to start the new drawing.

Q. Do I have to share my prize with my boss or co-workers?

It depends. Some prizes are tasty and just asking to be shared. Others are one-of-a-kind and hopefully desk-worthy.

Q. Can I win more than once?

No, that would be greedy. But if you turn in a year's worth of perfect time cards then you'll be entered into a special year-end drawing for high achievers and anyone can win.

Q. Can I choose my own prize?

Not right now, but we're considering how to offer that option.

Q. Do I have to use the Daily Time Card?

Nope. All that matters are the hours themselves, not where they're tracked. Use the Smart Timer, the Weekly Time Card, Jobr Mobile, or time sheets.

Q. I don’t have a Winners Do Time option in my version of Clients & Profits X. Where is it?

You have an old version of Clients & Profits X. The drawing is only available to shops that use Clients & Profits X 10.4 or higher. It's a free upgrade with your current support subscription.

Q. I can’t access Clients & Profits preferences, so how am I supposed to I opt in?

That's a question for your C&P system manager. He or she needs access to the Time preferences. Once there, all they have to do is click on the Opt-in button and that's it. Your staff will be entered into the prize drawing the following week.

Q. Can I only opt in some people for the drawing, or is it for everyone?

Yes, you can choose with staff members are included in the prize drawing and which ones aren't. Our hope with the drawing was the encourage the creative and production staff to track their hours more enthusiastically, but it's up to you who opts-in. Individual staff members can't opt themselves in, however. That's a job for the C&P system manager.

Q. What about my staff members who aren’t required to do time cards?

Well, they're kinda left out of the drawing. Only people do turn in time cards are automatically entered. It's your call whether you want them to starting tracking their time too. But why not?

Q. How can I cheat?

Of course not. The only way to win is to turn in a perfect time card every week. Sorry.

Q. It can't really be free. This has got to be scam, right?

This is totally legit. We thought it would be a fun way to promote good timekeeping habits every week. That's why we take care of everything at no extra cost to your agency. Plus, it gives us something fun to post on Facebook posts tips about general ledgers. Also, we'll never use your email addresses from Winners Do Time for marketing purposes, ever.


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